Portfolio: SUNY System Administration, Albany, NY
System Administration is the headquarters of the 64-campus State University of New York system. I worked there for
more than six years, on many different web projects.
(Click a picture to view a bigger version in a new tab or window)

suny.edu (2008)
My first design project at SUNY, this was the result of a series of design studies. This was a large improvement over the previous version, but went mostly unused for unrelated reasons. See a content page

State University Construction Fund (2011)
SUCF is distinct from SUNY, but related. They wanted a site similar to suny.edu as it appeared at the time, but still unique. We were able to provide this. View the live site

Confucius Institute for Business (2012)
CIB was a new institute in NYC. A consultant did a wireframe mockup, which I then filled out and developed into a production website. CIB was our first HTML5/responsive project. View live site

Center for Professional Development (2012)
I refreshed the design of the Center's website in 2012. View live site